value relevance of accounting information,, IFRS adoption,, The Accounting ReviewAbstract
This study is a reviewof the academic research on value relevance of accounting informationafter the application of International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) published in The Accounting Review in period of 2008-2012. The articles in those journal have been selected in order to be relevantwith the purpose of this study, that is to determine the changes (increases or decreases) the value relevanceof IFRS-based accounting information. This study uses library research method by collecting and reviewing 27
articlesto be discussed qualitatively. Overall results of the review indicate that the adoption of IFRS has not been able to increase the value relevance of accounting information. Application of IFRS can only increase the international comparability of financial statements. The review also shows that IFRS have not been able to reduce the level of company’s earnings management.
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