Product Knowledge, Utility Services, Ease of Use of Service, Social Interaction, Interest in Using ServicesAbstract
This study aimed to analyze the significant effect of between product knowledge consisting of the use of service, the ease of use of services, and social interaction on interest of people in using health services of Mental Hospital of NTB. The respondent are selected with a purposive sampling technique using a questionnaire distributed to 100 respondents. The data analysed with multiple linear regression analysis. Based on the analysis, it is concluded that the variable of product knowledge consisting of the use of service, the ease of use of services, and social interaction positively and significantly affect the interest of people in using health services of Mental Hospital of NTB. This means that if the variable of product knowledge is enhanced by the Mental Hospital of NTB Province, it can increase the interest of people in using health services. The most dominant variable affecting the interest is the use of services.
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