Workload, Working Environment, Work DepressionAbstract
The objecives of this study were (1) to determine whether the workload significantly effects the employee depression, (2) to determine wether the comfort of working may weaken the effect of qualitative excessive burden on employee depression, (3) to determine whether familiarity with coworker will weaken the effect of qualitatively excessive burden on employee depression, (4) to determine whether the availability of working facility may weaken the effect of quantitative excessive burden on depression of employees of KPU in all districts on Lombok. This research is associative research. Respondens are 45 people taken by the census. The instrument of data collection in this study is questionnaire. The statistical analysis used was analysis Moderated Regression Analysis (MRA) using SPSS for Windows version 16.0. The research showed (1) either quantitative or qualitative workload of the members of the organization in general can make employee depressed, (2) qualitatively excessive burden when situated in comfortable working situation does not effect employee depression, (3) qualitatively excessive burden negatively effects the employee depression when situated in familiarity with coworkers that would weaken the effect of the depression of the employee, (4) qualitatively excessive burden positively effects the depression of the employye if situated in the availability of adequate working facilities. Depression may occur if the updates/rejuvenation of working facilities are optimally done and this may strengthen the effect of the depression of employee in all districts on the island of Lombok.
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