The Use of Code Switching Among Waiters in Restaurant and Bar Operations at Amber Resort-Selong Belanak Central Lombok


  • Ainul Yakin Politeknik Pariwisata Lombok
  • Endang Sriwahyuni Politeknik Pariwisata Lombok
  • Lalu Ahmad Zaki Politeknik Pariwisata Lombok


Kata Kunci:

Code Switching, Restaurant, Bar Operations, Amber Resort


The purpose of this study is to analyze what language elements are most widely used in code-switching among waiters at Amber Beach Resort restaurant. The data collection methods used in this research include document study, field research, collecting data by recording respondents and taking notes (Note-taking) on managers and F&B Service staff at Amber Beach Resort Restaurant. The results found that the language elements that experienced the most code-switching were from Indonesian to English and Sasak language to English. Waiters/managers and other staff mostly use Indonesian to English elements


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Cara Mengutip

Ainul Yakin, Endang Sriwahyuni, & Lalu Ahmad Zaki. (2023). The Use of Code Switching Among Waiters in Restaurant and Bar Operations at Amber Resort-Selong Belanak Central Lombok. Jurnal Internasional Riset Bisnis Pariwisata, 2(2), 102–110.