Emotion regulation, Mindfulness, Fear of societyAbstract
Absract: Emotion regulation is the ability to recognize, understand and manage emotions in various situations. This skill is very important in the post-conflict recovery process, as it helps individuals deal with and overcome negative emotions that arise. Psychoeducation is the development and provision of information in the form of community education regarding information related to popular / simple psychology or other information that affects the psychosocial well-being of the community (Alfianto, Apriyanto, & Diana, 2019) The implementation of psychoeducation Emotional regulation with meditation was held on September 27, 2024 at Meunasah Gampong Paloh Lada. This psychoeducation activity was attended by 16 people, which was carried out simultaneously with psychoeducation activities and the delivery of other materials, namely Resilience and Psychological Well-Being. Mindfulness techniques can affect a person's psychological state and regulate emotion regulation, increase feelings of calm and thoughts which can improve psychological well-being.
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