(Studi pada Guru SMAN di Kecamatan Labuapi Kabupaten Lombok Barat)
Individual Factors, Organizational Factors, Organizational Commitment, Multiple Regression Analysis.Abstract
number of teachers are found unenergetic and undisciplined because of some reasons, such as no appreciation of they did at work, exclusion of school activities, no trust from the school leaders, no proper treatment in terms of promotion. All of these problems happen among teachers of Labuapi High School of West Lombok Regency. This study aims to investigate the significant influence of individual and organizational factors, either simultaneously or partially, on the teachers’ Organizational Commitment. This research is categorized as an associative study. The population encompassed all 70 high school teachers in Labuapi Distric of West Lombok Regency. These teachers were all taken as samples of the study. Data collection method involved the use of a questionnaire containing questions about the Individual Factors, Organizational Factors, and Organizational Commitment. The data were analyzed using Multiple Linear Regression Analysis. Results of the study indicate that the Individual and Organizational Factors simultaneously and partially had a significant effect on the dependent variable of Organizational Commitment. The most dominant variable affecting Organizational commitment was the individual factor. This study recommends that principals of High Schools in Labuapi District of West Lombok constantly meet teachers' great expectations towards work appreciation, involve them emotionally in work-related activities, nurture teacher's responsibility to work, develop a sense of pride for the teachers, provide them with more education training and pastoral care for students, increase the amount of free time to gather with family, and reduce the pressure in both career and family matters.
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