Visitors Perception to the Management Of Mahawu Mountain Tourism Attraction in Tomohon City
Management, Mahawu Mount, Tourism Attraction, TomohonAbstract
Tomohon is a city located in North Sulawesi Province, which is unique in that it has no ocean but is flanked by two volcanic mountains, Mount Lokon and Mahawu Mount. Both mountains are still active but are considered to provide fertility for agriculture and plantations for local residents. Mahawu Mount has been designated as a special interest tourist attraction, where infrastructure and facilities have been arranged by the local government. However, the availability of existing facilities does not guarantee good management of the area, there are still many things that need attention. The purpose of this study was to examine visitor perceptions of the management of Mahawu Mount tourist attraction facilities in Tomohon City. This research method uses a survey method conducted on 100 respondents who visit tourist sites. The research instruments used were questionnaires and observations. The Likert scale is used to categorize each question as well as the use of score interpretation to facilitate answers to respondents' assessments. The analysis used is descriptive using tables and percentages.
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Copyright (c) 2024 Jemmy Rudolf Pangemanan, Alma Karangan Pongtuluran, Margresya Diana Rompas , Kevin Keril Pangemanan, Silvana Audry Rima Wewengkang, Benny Irwan Towoliu

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